Chip Marchbank receives Charlie Sianez Exceptional Service Award

The Charlie Sianez Exceptional Service award honors a full or part time staff member who has exhibited exceptional service to the college or the community for a particular activity, over time, or to colleagues.

25 years ago, Chip Marchbank started a variety show called “Let us Entertain You” to raise funds to buy new and better equipment to support students in the rehabilitation program. When Chip moved to EOP/S, the show was renamed “Over the Rainbow” and funds have been donated to support single parents in the CARE program and, most recently, emancipated foster youth attending GWC. These shows get the campus and the community involved in supporting these worthy causes, and have resulted in raising thousands of dollars donated to benefit GWC students. This year is the first graduating class of foster youth. One of the graduates will go on to play water polo at CSULB and another received a full ride to Chapman. Chip’s efforts are evidence of his respect for students, especially those with unique needs, and his dedication to helping them reach their educational goals. Congratulations Chip!

President Bryan initiated this annual award in Spring, 2006. Charlie Sianez was a valued member of the Maintenance and Operations department at GWC for 20 years. He passed away unexpectedly in January, 2006 from chronic health problems. Charlie exemplified such excellent service to the college, the award was established in his memory.

Past recipients: 2006-Edith Cardinali; 2007-Ted Palmer; 2008-Dr. Carol Grimes; 2009- Dr. Joyce Bishop.