Adele Dick, October 2009 Employee of the Month

October 2009 Employee of the Month

She has a dual Canadian and United States citizenship but was born in Italy and speaks, reads and writes Italian – how cool is that?  Coming to us from OCC, our October Employee of the Month Adele Dick is an absolute pleasure to meet and has been a part of the GWC campus for the past 4 years. You will find her smiling face at the Circulation Desk as you enter the Library, where she works the “front line” as a Library Assistant in the Reserve Collection/Public Services, making sure all those loaned books come back on time and get shelved properly, and helping in just about any way she can.

Adele loves working with students, and is especially proud of the Star Collection, funded by the Foundation and ASGWC, which allows for the purchase of current texts to be on hand for use in 2-hour periods of time.  Adele enjoys working in the library with a wonderful team that seeks new ways to support students, staff and instructors.

With a BA in History and Political Science, Adele worked in the library on campus as a student in Canada, where she had lived since age 5.  It was there she met her husband, and they now have two grown sons in their twenties.  It doesn’t take long to realize this woman has a lot of energy!  She currently Co-Chairs the District Reclassification Committee with Connie Marten, is on the Planning and Budget Committee, and is a CERT-qualified Building Marshall of half of the Library.  You may have seen her walking on campus on her break time –  that’s one of her interests, along with photography, travel and sewing.  She says her goal is to walk a marathon, and she has already completed three “half-marathons”.  You GO, girl!


It was said of Adele, “She has been the key library staff member to plan the library shelving and shelf shifting for the entire library.  She created a library shelving map that is used all the time at the Reference Desk so that students and staff can easily locate library materials by location number and book stack number. Adele also is a very active and thoughtful contributor to the library arrangement and shelving needs for the new library building” working hard to make sure the new library will be efficient and user-friendly.

OCC’s loss is certainly our gain in Adele.  CONGRATULATIONS to our October Employee of the Month!