GWC Graduates’ Earnings are 3rd in the State


A Golden Opportunity to Earn More

Earning an associate’s degree at  Golden West College really pays off. Of California’s 112 community colleges, we’re top-ranked when it comes to earnings and return on investment, both for students and the state.

According to The American Institutes for Research and Nexus Research and Policy Center, GWC graduates with an associate’s degree earn an average of $711,812 more over their work life than high school graduates. Compare that with the average for California community colleges, which is $352,011, less than half as much. Nationwide, the average lifetime earnings for those with an associate’s degree are only $259,000 more than for those with a high school diploma.

Golden West College Graduates’ earnings rank 3rd in the state, just below Foothill College and Ohlone College, and are the highest paid among the community colleges in Southern California.

The earning power of our graduates is due in large part to our highly regarded programs, which are designed for the current economy, from Nursing and Criminal Justice to Automotive Technology, Digital Media, and Computer Science, to name a few.